Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a method used to help prospects find you. It focuses on visibility and helping people discover your brand rather than pushing your message. Using a variety of tools such as search engine optimization, social media, content marketing, and blogging, you create growing brand awareness. While outbound marketing can feel intrusive to prospects, with inbound marketing, you’re providing what your prospects are already looking for.


Why Inbound Marketing

Engage the right customer

Our inbound marketing programs are designed to engage the right customer, at the right time, with the right content on the right channel! We’ll do this on your behalf to gain your prospects trust and earn their business. Since 2009 we’ve been using inbound marketing to attract, engage, close and amaze customers for our clients. And, they think we’re pretty good at it.

Why your company should get social:


Highly effective adds


Fast results


Reach specific audiences


Our approach to Inbound Marketing


The first objective is to bring the right traffic to your site. You want people who are likely to become leads and, eventually, happy customers. Your ideal customers, or buyer personas, are the people your entire business is built around. Services for attracting the right customers include:
  • Buyer persona development
  • Website optimization
  • Google/Facebook ads
  • SEO
  • Social media


As the right traffic is attracted to your site, the next goal is to engage those visitors & turn them into leads. We do this by offering website visitors the right value proposition to capture their contact information. Content that meets the needs of your buyer personas and helps solve their problems will convert more website visitors into leads. Tools & services used for conversions include:

  • Landing pages
  • Forms
  • Calls-to-Action
  • Ebooks
  • Guides & plans
  • Checklists, tipsheets and more


What good is a lead if they never become a customer? Nurturing leads with marketing automation can be used to move them through the buying process & turn them into customers. Services used to close new customers include:

  • Email
  • Automated lead nurturing
  • CRM
  • Closed-loop reporting
  • Custom integrations


Just because someone becomes a customer doesn’t mean you can ignore them! We help our clients to continue to delight their customers with focused content that creates upsell opportunities, and turns them into promoters of the products/services our clients offer. Tools and services used to delight customers include:

  • Smart content
  • Smart CTA’s
  • Surveys
  • Social monitoring

Inbound Marketing Certified


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Canada Dental Group

Canada Dental is a local dental provider with a reputation for excellence in service and works with patients in certain geographic areas. Over the years they have seen tremendous growth in their practice and currently have multiple practices in the Greater Los Angeles area.[...]



XTIVIA is a multi-channel IT solutions provider that provides services in many sectors from software, development, hardware, and much more. Prior to onboarding with Motherboard, XTIVIA department leaders had been managing their own marketing budgets directly with no insight or guidance on best practices and how other channels were performing. We reorganized the marketing[...]